Wrapping Up || Deanna - July 10

Today was our last day in Romania for this trip. After breakfast we packed up our bags, and checked out of our rooms. We got to see the Roman ruins that was near the hotel, took some team pictures in our team shirts. Then spent the rest of the day at Jacob and Cami's house, playing with the kids, having good discussions, and delicious food.And when the time came we said farewell to our dear team member Rachel, she'll be staying in Romania a little while longer. Now we're in a van on our way home as I'm writing this.God was so good on this trip, and I hope I'll be able to come here again.- DeannaIMG_9092 - CopyIMG_376811692804_852581834789751_5599724566672378071_nIMG_9122IMG_9107IMG_9136IMG_9146IMG_3779


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