An Insider's Peek at the 2015 Curriculum
This summer, Global Encounters teams have been sharing the love of Christ using curriculum based off of Romans chapter 12. In this section of Scripture, Paul gives us practical ways that we can grow in our relationship with the Lord on a personal level and as a member of the body of Christ. The teams are usin
g crafts, games, stories, skits, and songs to communicate these lessons to the kids. Following are some of the concepts taught and how they are illustrated using mediums that will speak to kids!One of the most vital lessons we as believers can learn is how to surrender control of our life to the leadership and direction of Christ Jesus. Surrender requires humility and trust. To illustrate this important concept, the kids will be playing a game where one child is blindfolded and another child has to direct them by putting their hands on their shoulders and using verbal communication to "drive" through an obstacle course. In order for them to win, the blindfolded child must submit to the leadership and direction of the other child. This is also true in our relationship with Christ. If we surrender and humbly follow his leadership, he will direct us in the way we should go.Part of surrender is allowing the Lord to sanctify us through his Word. The kids will be playing various games that teach the importance of Bible memorization and renewing your mind with the truth of Scripture. It is through meditation and abiding in the Word that the Lord is able to transform us into the likeness of Christ.
As the Lord begins to work in the life of the believer in a personal level, it begins to affect how that person lives. One of the most important attributes of Christ that the believer should emulate is humility. The lesson team will be sharing the story of Eric Liddell, the Olympic runner who became a missionary to China. He acknowledged that his gift for running came from the Lord and he made it his goal to honor God above all else.As members of the body of Christ, God has uniquely gifted each member for a special purpose. For this lesson, the kids will be making snowflakes to remind them that God has designed them for his special purpose. Just as no two snowflakes are alike, no two believers have the exact same calling. We are one body with many members. They will also learn the importance of humbly using their gifts to serve the Lord and others, not so they can be recognized or glorified for their own achievements.
As we serve the Lord and one another, we are to persevere and be diligent, even when it is difficult. God's Word says that we are to be diligent in our service and persevere through our struggles with the strength of Christ. What better way to learn this lesson than through a game of Boot Camp? Those who press on and complete the challenges will be rewarded in the end!
Another important aspect of the body of Christ is that we pray for one another and overcome evil with good. One of the specific ways the kids will be learning about this concept is through a craft about the persecuted church. They will be making paper doll chains and decorating them to remind them to pray for their fellow believers around the world who are being persecuted because of their faith in Christ. They will also learn the importance of praying for those who are persecuting the church.The final lesson the kids will be learning is how to show compassion for others, especially those that others reject or look down upon. The lesson team will be sharing the story of missionary Amy Carmichael, who served the Lord in India. Amy had a heart of compassion for people that no one else loved and she went to great lengths to help them and take care of them. She is well known for taking care of many children and loving those who were deemed unlovable by others.Please be praying for the GE teams as they communicate these important truths and share the Gospel with kids around the world.