Recovery Day!|| Bethany – July 3

After two long weeks of ministry, it’s time for vacation! Sight seeing with the team has been fun and full of memories. We’ve walked around a historic city, visited castles, and driven through beautiful countryside. I even saw a Nissan Juke! All in all, it has been a relaxing, restful couple of days.The Romanian countryside is stunning. The rolling hills and sweeping mountains make a wonderful backdrop for green fields, golden wheat, and quaint towns. As I watched the golden wheat fields fly by, I thought of Matthew 9:37-38 — “Then said he (Jesus) to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest’.” The harvest in Romania is truly plentiful, and we are pleased to be laborers. Please pray for us as we work in the fields this coming week. God has great things in store for us!With scythe in hand,Bethany, for the teamIMG_8953IMG_3648IMG_8978IMG_8996IMG_9000IMG_9029


Independence Day!|| Brandon - July 4


64 Voices || Rachel - July 2