Independence Day!|| Brandon - July 4
Happy Independence Day!! There’s nothing like celebrating your national holiday in a foreign country to make you appreciate your home country. We tried to make the day special for us. We dressed up in red, white, and blue for the day. We spent a lot of hours in the car, so during that time we listened to patriotic music. Some of us listened to REAL patriotic (cue stars and stripes forever), some of us listened to country patriotic music, and we made a grand ol’ time of it.We toured the Royal Castle in Peles. Because of we were some of the only English speaking people there, we got bumped to the front of the line when the English tour guide came around. We suspected it might have been because it was our national holiday, but we were grateful for that. It was a grand castle, with a lot of impressive decor and ornamentation. After visiting Peles, we made our way to Biertan to visit a super cool fortified church. After arriving in town and consulting the map, and then the GPS, and then Google, we realized that we had miscalculated the distance to the church by about 150 kilometers. Since it was getting late we decided to skip the fortified church and walk around the town of Sibiu. Once we felt like we had stretched our legs a bit, we headed back to our current location and met up with our hosts, the Goggins. They helped us get settled into our hotel, and we finished up the day with team devos. We’re going to go to church tomorrow, which we’re super excited about. Pray for us as we start a new week of ministry!- Brandon