God our Savior || Lizzie - July 14

Our second day in Quito was spent sharing the message of salvation with two very different groups of children - the first at Iglesia Inaquito (about 150 children) and the second at Iglesia de iñaQuito in Carapungo (a poorer suburb of Quito). Our message emphasized that we can't serve Christ without a relationship with Him. We must know Him first as our Savior.God is amazing. Regardless of nationality or economic status of the children we minister to, they are all the same inside.They have the same need to know the love of their Savior. It thrilled my heart to see the salvation message penetrate their heart and witness them come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Five children received the Lord during our morning program. I was blessed to be able to pray with some of them. Many others prayed for concerns that were heavy on their hearts. No matter what, no matter where, God listens to our prayers and takes great care of us.- LizzieIMG_7723


Surrender || Morgan – July 15


Day 1 || Daniel - July 13