Day 1 || Daniel - July 13

Today was our first full day in Ecuador and our first day with the kids. This was the first time for many of the team to get to meet the kids from Iglesia de IñaQuito that we would be working with all week and for camp week later in the trip. It was awesome to get to see the team jump in so quickly and start working with the kids without a moment's hesitation. It was an incredible first day. It was also awesome, for those of us that were returning, to get to see the kids and teens again and continue to develop relationships that have been going for up to six or seven years for some of us. God did amazing things today as we worked with the kids; both in our lives and in the lives of the kids. As we begin to teach the kids, God is working in us teaching us the same lessons and how they apply to our lives. God is truly gracious to allow us to teach while at the same time knowing that we have so much to learn.I am really looking forward to working with this team. Everyone is so willing to jump in and do what is needed for the good of the team, and they are quick to trust in God for the strength and perseverance needed for this trip. Please pray for us as we continue on working with the kids and press on towards knowing God more through this experience.-Daniel FMKW_2015_07_13__MG_9589MKW_2015_07_13__MG_9637MKW_2015_07_13__MG_9678MKW_2015_07_13__MG_9766MKW_2015_07_13__MG_9776MKW_2015_07_13__MG_9863MKW_2015_07_13__MG_9871MKW_2015_07_13__MG_9953MKW_2015_07_13_IMG_9741MKW_2015_07_13_IMG_9810


God our Savior || Lizzie - July 14


Getting Started || Laura - July 14