Filthy, Sick, And Still Loved || Philip - July 22

Today has been a wonderful day for many of us as we have been able to learn how to better love some of God’s beloved children. After the regular morning of working at the church in Otovalo, several team members and I had the privilege to visit an HIV/AID’s orphanage. As we worked with about twelve of the twenty-three kids that lived there, we were all just heart broken by what we saw; filthy, sick, misbehaving, rowdy children who are loved by God.These are some of God’s beloved children, living with a disease that would lead to their death, who only experience love when someone comes to see them. Children who didn’t seem to understand who Jesus was or what He had done. These are precious children who are loved by God and He will continue to provide and protect them. We did a couple of stories with them, made a craft, played some games, and loved them like we have been instructed to in Mark 9:37, “Whoever receives on such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” It was a fitting morning to read this passage as I would be one of the ones who was blessed with the opportunity to let the light of Jesus shine through me and love on God’s beloved children.As we were leaving and saying our goodbyes, I embraced one of the little girls that I was playing with and I was overcome with compassion for these kids because of what they mean to my Father. We may have only spent two hours with these beloved children, but today we are forever changed because of it.- Philip H.The following are pictures from the morning program in Otavalo:IMG_8344IMG_8351IMG_8353IMG_8358IMG_8359IMG_8363IMG_8368IMG_8370 IMG_8379IMG_8387 IMG_8406IMG_8413


Story of David || Michaela - July 23


Why? || Meagan - July 21