Story of David || Michaela - July 23

It's never a good idea to start a day exhausted, with a cold and losing your voice. But for me that is exactly how this day began. I was on lesson team which means we do a lot of talking and have to be excited so the children will listen to the story. Though I only told one story that day, I had more time to sit with the children, think, and pray. I thought, "Some of these children seem so uninterested. What is the point of telling these stories?" Yet God still sent us to Otavalo for a purpose and on our last group of the day we got to see some of that purpose. My teammate Kelly taught the lesson about David asking God for help after his family got kidnapped. As she gave the children roles in the story, they got excited about their parts. Adding their own excitement, personality, and humor, the story came to life! Some of my weariness left just watching those children having fun with the lesson. Those of us watching even had fun and hopefully those children will remember the story for a long time.- MichaelaMKW_2015_07_23__MG_1782MKW_2015_07_23__MG_1796MKW_2015_07_23__MG_1797MKW_2015_07_23__MG_1822MKW_2015_07_23__MG_1829MKW_2015_07_23__MG_1844MKW_2015_07_23__MG_1846MKW_2015_07_23__MG_1882MKW_2015_07_23__MG_1896MKW_2015_07_23__MG_1931MKW_2015_07_23_IMG_1870


Last Day in Otavalo - || Morgan - July 24


Filthy, Sick, And Still Loved || Philip - July 22