Chiapas – August 9-10 || Lydia

Many tears were shed by the people of Veinte de Noviembre as we said our goodbyes. We can't know how much of an impact we had in those few short days, but I trust that God was able to use us for His glory in that village.It is amazing how good hot showers feel after going a week without them! It was also nice to have a quiet evening with the Mousers.On Sunday we went to a small village church and doubled the service. Ian gave a message about how true faith, when it is placed in the right Person, produces rest. After church we did a kids program and hair cuts in the village square. Many people clearly heard the gospel. We have planted and watered, and we trust God to give the increase.- LydiaIMG_6559 IMG_6562 IMG_6564 IMG_6569 IMG_6576 IMG_6581 IMG_6587 IMG_6595 IMG_6600 IMG_6603 IMG_6608 IMG_6611


Chiapas – August 11 || Nolia


Chiapas – August 8 || Julianna