Chiapas – August 8 || Julianna
This was our second day to go to Justo Sierra and I felt like we were really starting to build relationships with the people there.The men from Viente de Noviembre who had come with us did the majority of the teaching during our children's programs today. It was so neat to see their progress during the week. They went from only observing and being somewhat distant, to helping pass things out, to joining in the games, and then finally doing the actual teaching themselves. Our goal was to train them to be able to continue doing children's ministry even after we leave and I believe they are now ready to do that. It was pretty cool.A couple highlights of the day:Watching the kids try to play leap frog after we taught them how. Their legs are so short they can't even jump over each other!Bumping a volleyball with some of the adults from the village. We taught them how to say "mine" and they taught us how to say it in Tojolabal. It sounds something like "kay a va".Teaching the kids how to make funny faces for the camera. For some reason they don't smile for pictures but they started to get the hang of it.Discovering that Lydia, Karla, and I had used the old dish water to wash our hair the night before (we save old dish water for toilet flushing)... oops. It was probably still cleaner than it started out.This was also our final night in the Tojolabal jungle and Psalm 9:1-2 sums up how I feel: "I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High." He gave us an incredible week and I am thankful.- Julianna