Chiapas – August 11 || Nolia

This morning we left at around 7:30am and traveled for about 1.5 hours. We arrived at some Mayan ruins and climbed up the path to look out over the lake from the top. We had a lot of fun taking pictures and enjoying a couple hours of rest before ministry that afternoon. Then we went to Lagos de Montebello, which are a bunch of lakes spread out. We then drove a little farther to a touristy area the border of Guatemala, where we crossed the boarder and took our picture.Afterwards we did a kids program in Santa Ana. The people were very shy as we started with the music, but they eventually started warming to us especially as we played "bitterball," which is a form of soccer except with pairs tied together. We did crafts and then we told the the Bubba Black Sheep skit. I felt that in this town the people listened more closely and about 45 kids and 60 adults showed up.When the kids program was concluded, Ian and Lydia cut a few boys' hair in a buzz cut and we then packed up. On the way home we stopped and bought some tacos to go and brought them home. Goodnight.- NoliaIMG_6639 IMG_6642 IMG_6648 IMG_6652 IMG_6660 IMG_6675 IMG_6682 IMG_6719 IMG_6752 IMG_6756 IMG_6763 IMG_6767 IMG_6770 IMG_6794 IMG_6823 IMG_6857


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Chiapas – August 9-10 || Lydia