April 4 – Jesse

God's love is so amazing!! As I was praying before coming on this mission trip, I asked God to give me eyes to see as He sees and to surrender my heart in exchange to have His heart for His people here.This morning we sang for the kids at the orphanage, and in return they sang for us. For me to describe in words the presence of The Lord will not do justice, but I'll do my best. Once the kids started singing you could see their hearts opening, crying out to their Father; it was one of those times you could physically feel the presence of God resting in the place!! As they got to the chorus, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes just then and spoke to me:"Jesse, these are my sons and daughters whom I love! They have a very special place in my heart"I could then see God wrapping His arms around each of the children while their hearts were prostrate before Him.After that moment, God had given me (in a reviving way) His heart to passionately love these kids, wholeheartedly serve them, and to present the gospel to them so that they may know Him more intimately. That's His will...we are to represent Christ!! It's not that I am capable, but He that is in me by His grace.Jesse10007487_10152607224319881_5598418980106929462_n 10151905_10152607223219881_6170100375194551795_n 10250339_10152607222874881_2322541561185514204_n 603626_10152607223974881_8797582189364898463_n 1546109_10152607223789881_258665381161703898_n 10157317_10152607222919881_4004223541177361437_n


April 6 - David


April 2 – Elyssa