[07.31 - Wednesday] Coloring the World with Khaki!

Well Wednesday morning we all woke up and started our second day of painting! Tim, Katy, Lauren, and I all were on the outside painting crew, while some others worked on painting Will’s room, and a few others worked on desks and chair rails for the kitchen. Working outside was wonderful! The weather was beautiful, and all the painting went great! The walls went from half white-half khaki to all khaki.At one point in the day I had to climb up on a plastic roof overhang to paint a spot where we couldn’t reach from the ground. Tim had looked at it and told me that it was safe so I climbed right up and started painting. To complete the task, I had to lie on my stomach (which the roof was covered in short pointy nails) and held my paint cup in my mouth! I had been up there for about 20 minutes when I heard a cracking sound and started to freak out! I hollered for Tim, and he came over to check it out but still said it was safe so I continued painting. After a few more minutes I stared slipping and then heard a ripping sound! I had ripped a hole in my pants and cut my leg! I started laughing so Tim and Katy came over to see what happened. When they did Tim noticed that the nails that were holding the little roof were slowly coming out! They started telling me to get down VERY quickly! It was very funny but everything got painted! So all’s well that ends well!By dinnertime we had all completed our different tasks and had sushi for dinner. Our day was very successful and we all enjoyed serving the Terrells!- KatelynnIMG_7140photo (1)IMG_7146IMG_7142IMG_7143photo (2)photo (5)photo4photo (3)photo (6)photo (4)


[08.01 - Thursday] Outdoor Markets & More Painting


[07.30 - Tuesday] Extreme Makeover in Progress