Yesterday my heart melted. It was only the second time that I've ever visited an orphanage in another country, the first being in La Mesa, Colombia. Every time I have the opportunity to visit orphans- practice true religion as James describes. Some people say that the more you do something the less difficult it will become. I don't believe that's true when it comes to doing the things that are the heart of God. When I stepped foot onto the grounds of the orphanage in Esmeraldas--I felt, and I felt like I did when I left the orphanage in Colombia. My stomach hurt, my eyes welled up with tears, and my heart began to throb.
Our day as photographers at the orphanage was spent meeting with children between the ages of 11 and 13 and teaching them photography. Eli shared her story on adoption, Atalie taught a photographic composition element and when we asked the kids if they were ready to practice what they learned we received an enthusiastic YES. Complete joy filled my heart as I saw how the kids were excited to practice what they learned. I quickly noticed a lot of these kids had quite the artistic eye--my two kids, Sandro and Asiento- scoured what felt like every square inch of the orphanage in search of the perfect shot.
Of course, leaving these kids is always hard. There's always that uncertainty of not knowing when or if you will ever return. But I've spoken with them, I know their names, I've seen their faces and I can continue to offer the lives in prayer before the throne of God. God is the only one who can be present with them and for them. That's the comfort we have in Christ when we visit the widows and the fatherless.
Please continue to pray for these kids that they will come to know the Father's love in an experiential sort of way.
Partner with us in prayer: Pray that these sweet orphans would know the adoption of Jesus Christ.