[07.23 - Tuesday] Divide & Conquer

Today after breakfast part of the team headed to the orphanage to hang out with the kids while Katelynn & I stayed at the Terrells to pack for the jungle. We did lots of food prep – cooked chicken (for stir-fry), chopped lots of veggies, made desserts, and packed two barrels full of food for all of us to eat for the next five days in the jungle after Amy, Elizabeth C., and Julie Terrell returned from grocery shopping. Plus made dinner for the team. We also rolled all the bedding and packed it in a barrel along with the hammocks and sleeping bags. After that Nathan had us copying audio discs of the Bible in Ch’ol, and we spent probably two to two and a half hours to get those done. In our spare time we washed and folded laundry, cleaned up down stairs and had some fun doing nails and hair with the sweet Terrell girls.Meanwhile the other half that went to the orphanage had their hands full doing a children’s program, playing and eating lunch with the kids and sanding, priming and painting the little kids chairs that will be used in their new school house that is currently under construction.- Katyphoto (2)photo (3)IMG_6543IMG_6546IMG_6548IMG_6550IMG_6556IMG_6558IMG_6566IMG_6552IMG_6561


[07.24 - Wednesday] Topes & Man-Eating Sharks

