
This morning we had to wake up bright and early again in order to head to Luz y Libertad and teach the children. Breakfast once again consisted of bread, fried eggs, and coffee before we departed. My team's activity for the class was the card house building game, where the children had to maintain patience in order to be successful in building the tallest house. I have to say this was the best round yet since I got to build up to three levels!! After the brief teaching, the team headed back for some well needed recharge time and lunch before jumping right back into action.
For the evening we headed back to Luz y Libertad to teach the lesson on our relationship with God. The game teams combined in order to create a masterpiece of an obstacle course. One child had to remain blind-folded with their partner merely narrating what they needed to do in order to survive the obstacle course unharmed. Although many of the children were little cheaters who peeked the whole time, I believe many of them understood that God is with us every step of the way guiding us, and even though we are blind-folded, we can trust in God to lead the way! As stressful as this week was, it was extremely rewarding and it caused me to grow in many different ways. Can't wait to head to the beach and relax tomorrow!
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-Ashley Oliver

[07.23 - Tuesday] Divide & Conquer

