Walking on the Wake of Exhaustion
Today’s beginning was a blur as our team plus a few people bounced towardTrujillo in a dark tour bus. The original six hour drive had been transformed into a twelve hour road trip visiting only a few scarce gas stations along the way. Without getting much sleep to speak of, everyone stumbled into their hotel rooms, emptied all the hot water from the showers, and attempted to squeeze in a very brief nap. Nine o’clock saw the majority of the team in the bus trying to count off instead of doze off. A few of our members stayed at the hotel and rested. The two services this morning lasted over 4 hours and called for some desperate measures to ensure the conscience, upright position of each team member. Impromptu singing, riddle solving, and collecting a variety of quotes successfully prevented anyone from snoozing for too long. Pastor Salazar preached in each service and the Lord did a mighty work! A number of people came forward to receive salvation.
Following the morning services, the team enjoyed a cultural lunch at a primarily a seafood restaurant. A wonder working afternoon snooze topped off the delicious meal. Six o’clock came all too soon as everyone loaded onto the bus for the third service at the same church. Partaking of the Lord’s Supper three times in one day is a rare occurrence which we easily achieved today. After the service we “spied out the land” in preparation for the Children’s Institute beginning tomorrow night.
Everyone was able to fellowship and relax on the way back to the hotel as we enjoyed hot sandwiches made of beef (much like a hamburger) and chopped cabbage or lettuce. It has been a wonderful day displaying the power of God to sustain and minister through us as we were past exhaustion. The day has now come to a close and the wake of exhaustion has washed us all onto the shore of sleep.
Buenos Noches,
Laura Frahm