Callao and a LONG bus ride
Saturday, August 4 - Our second day here Andy Warner, our team leader, opened our first team Bible study with a personal testimony. It was powerful and I was amazed at how God was truly working in him and throuh him. He started off with telling us our schedule for the trip. Next he told us that a lot of what happens in Peru is spur of the moment and that we would have to take it all one day at a time and trust the Lord to do the rest. We had been told that we would have a six hour bus ride to Trujillo, where out first kids´program would be held. Unfortunately, we were later told that it would in fact be an eight hour bus ride. That was when we started mentally preparing ourselves for eight hours of extreme togetherness. Before really getting started on the drive, we stopped for our first encounter with the Peruvian people. We joined a church in Callao putting on their AWANA program for the afternoon, with the addition of a soccer match: Peru vs. USA. The teams were well-balanced, USA having ten members ages 15-24 and Peru having a horde of 6-8 year olds. We almost lost. Luckily the ref ended the game just as we tied the score, so we didn´t feel too bad. Afterwards came a Bible story/skit wherein Jonah was devoured by an amazing 4-person whale (poor guy, he didn´t stand a chance).Then it was time to get back on the road to Trujillo. Twelve hours later (that´s eight hours Peruvian time), I woke up to a nudge and a voice sayin, ¨Wake up, Michael. We´re there.¨Thus ends the beginning of extreme togetherness. DUN, dun, dun, dun... done.Michael Miller for the team