First Day of the CI

Monday: WOW, four days already. It seams like we’ve been here forever. We woke up this morning to go shopping around the hotel. We got our stuff ready and left for the soccer field. To say the most, we got whooped. I learned how amazing Peruvians are at futbol. We all got a good work out. After, we ate an AMAZING Peruvian lunch… it was sooo good. When we got back to the hotel, we all took showers and went to team devotions. After getting prayed up we loaded the bus and headed to our first CI. We were all really nervous. We set up the large group area, and then our classrooms. We then waited anxiously for the first of the kids as they trickled in little by little. Next thing I knew, I was teaching eight young children who didn’t understand a thing I said. Thankfully we had a translator. It took a while to break the ice, but I think a game of telephone in both Spanish and English helped out. The next thing we knew, it was time for the kids to leave, but we were excited for the next day. After a nice dinner, we headed off to bed.

Nathaniel Forman for the Team


Where is the Peru Team?


Walking on the Wake of Exhaustion