Where is the Peru Team?

A quick update for those following the Peru trip:*Until the team returns to Lima (on Sunday) they do not have Internet connectivity*Most of the team members had minor colds but all are over them now*It is colder than what was anticipated but all everyone is getting along fine*There was initially an oppressive atmosphere in the children’s program and seminar but, with much continual prayer, the oppression has lifted and there is a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for the various programs on the part of the participants*The children’s program is going great – over 100 participants*The Seminar has had great reception and had been full each evening*The team has been ministering in the shanty towns with great success*The team has had opportunities to pass out tracts to many adults and children*The team played soccer with a group from the church that they are assisting*The team can still use MUCH prayer*The team has been blessed with an attitude of helpfulness and cooperation that has been a great testimony to all*All of the team blogs are written and will be downloaded to the web site on Sunday


Chan-Chan, CI, and M&M Protests


First Day of the CI