GE News GE News

Missions in a World Locked Down by COVID-19

As COVID-19 has seemingly taken over the world and changed our daily lives, it has also significantly impacted our part of international missions. We had teams ready to leave this past weekend for Zimbabwe and Myanmar and several other teams planned for the spring that we either had to cancel or postpone. We are hoping many of our teams can still serve this year, but most of them are now scheduled for July and August.

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GE News GE News

Land of a Billion People

In 2017, Grace set foot in Asia for the first time when she went on GE’s trip to India. Originally, Grace had never felt a desire to visit the country, but when a friend asked her to consider going, Grace said she would pray about it. When Grace told God that she was available to go, God surprised her and provided all the funds needed – in a single day!

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GE News GE News

Available To Be His Vessel

During Kwame’s time in the country known to have the largest reclining Buddha in the world, he was reminded of Who is really important. He saw the incredible power of a simple smile, of a warm hug, of a high five. Those may seem rather insignificant, but Kwame saw the ways that God took those small gifts of connection and used them in amazing ways in the kids’ lives. His interactions with the children were unlike anything he’d ever experienced before in his life. Kwame shares, “I went as a vessel for the Lord to bless others, but I felt so blessed by the kids. We would tell them: Jesus loves you. That phrase carries the same weight in every language.”

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