Missions in a World Locked Down by COVID-19

Dear Friends,

As COVID-19 has seemingly taken over the world and changed our daily lives, it has also significantly impacted our part of international missions. We had teams ready to leave this past weekend for Zimbabwe and Myanmar and several other teams planned for the spring that we either had to cancel or postpone. We are hoping many of our teams can still serve this year, but most of them are now scheduled for July and August.

If you are hoping to go on a mission trip with Global Encounters this year, keep moving forward with those plans! Check our website for the latest updates on each team.  As soon as we can travel again, our goal is to be there with the kids we love and serve, to keep pointing them to the only One who can truly give security and safety. We think there will be a lot of hearts that are open to the gospel this summer!

All of the cancelled and postponed trips have definitely taken a toll on Global Encounters financially. If international travel re-opens this summer and we are able to run most of our teams, we should be able to recover, but we are currently looking at a loss of about $8,000-10,000. We know many of you are struggling financially as well, but if you aren’t in that boat and would like to help Global Encounters make it through this disaster, your donations will be greatly appreciated and will help assure that Global Encounters will still be here to send out teams and share the gospel with children as soon as travel and event restrictions are lifted.

Please pray for the Global Encounters staff, as we work with constantly changing timelines. Please pray for the children in Myanmar, Zimbabwe, Ecuador, Romania, India, and Mexico - the countries where we work. While the virus hasn’t taken much of a toll on children’s health directly, the resulting economic problems put their access to food, clean water, medicine, housing, and education in peril.

Thanks for standing with us to love and serve kids around the world!

Elizabeth Fox
Executive Director


Here Comes the Camp Troublemaker


Land of a Billion People