God is Love || Katrina - July 21

That moment when you have two children sitting on your lap, two more by your side with your arms wrapped around them, and a fifth child wants to be held so she sits at your feet and leans against them so that she can feel your touch... So many thoughts and emotions came rushing over me. I sat there praying that each one of these children would find a personal relationship with a God whose love far surpasses what I could ever offer them.Today was a good day but also a hard day as we said goodbye to yet more children that we've come to love. First in the morning at Luz y Libertad where we did a morning program for three days. I really enjoyed playing with the children there. I enjoyed teaching with my team in creative ways that they are created and have a just yet loving God who has provided a eternal life for each of them.Today the lesson we were teaching in Rocafuerte is God is love. I looked around as children are running everywhere and it was tempting to get upset at them for not listening or even sitting. Then God gently showed me that I can do the same to Him. How many times do I run around and do things that I think is good but not what He asked me to do? I was challenged to make sure I stop and take time to listen to Him.- Katrina MMKW_2016_07_21__MG_7355MKW_2016_07_21__MG_7357MKW_2016_07_21__MG_7367MKW_2016_07_21__MG_7369MKW_2016_07_21__MG_7402MKW_2016_07_21_IMG_7344MKW_2016_07_21_IMG_7347


Written on Their Faces || Meagan – July 22


Evangecube Experiments || Hannah - July 20