Evangecube Experiments || Hannah - July 20
We went to the school this morning for the second time. We used the Evangecube to share the gospel with the kids. I had never used an Evangecube before, so it was really cool seeing how much it kept the kid's attention with all the pictures as the story of Jesus unfolded for them. Keeping kid's attention is a struggle and takes a lot of enthusiasm to accomplish, which has been a little bit of a challenge for me since I'm a little bit reserved. The cube helps a lot because they love looking at the pictures on it.The kids here are so active and energetic it takes quite a bit to keep up with them. Their energy and joy for life is so amazing considering how many hard home life situations so many are in. After lunch we went back to Rocafuerte. Almost all the kids there have gone through so many horrible things in their short lives. Some of them have a bunch of scars on their legs, and some of them will even flinch when you put your arms around them. It is heartbreaking but all we can do is love them in the moment and tell them about Jesus and hope they remember these four days and get saved and go to Jesus for comfort when they need it. God loves every one of these children so infinitely and wants every single one to come to him.- Hannah M