Deeper || Ashley - July 13
Today was an ahmAzing day! We were back at the village we had been to the previous day but things were different. As a team we decided that we needed to go deeper. Deeper into what we were teaching. We all had some really good time in the word thinking about what God wanted us to say and what He wanted to reveal to us. Everyone came back with a different perspective on their teaching and some revelations.We went to the village and I know that everyone felt more prepared physically and spiritually. I think it's safe to say that if we didn't know before we know now how much of a difference prayer makes. As soon as the program started I felt an immense peace. That little circle where our village was, was just bathed in the presence of the Holy Spirit. The kids really listened and were attentive, and several came up to me and were asking me deeper questions! One boy about 12 decided to make me a bracelet out of left over yarn and from that moment on stayed with his arm around me.I'm convinced that one truly doesn't know the impact one has on another, or really what a simple gesture can do to affect someone. For example, before the program we went to visit a paralyzed boy to sing and play some music. Even though he couldn't express it we all know he loved it. Something as simple, to me, as music totally made his month, maybe his year. I would encourage everyone not to take anything for granted. From turning a doorknob, to giving a smile to a stranger, you never know what God will do with it.