Connection || Krista - July 10
I'm super excited to be a part of the Summer Ecuador Team this year. It's my very first missions trip! Working with children is something I really enjoy, but working with children that speak a different language than I do is a challenge.Today was our first full day and we worked with three small groups of children from different churches. After leaving the first church I found that I was already a little frustrated with myself. I was frustrated because I felt that, even though we have great translators, I couldn't communicate with the children without being able to speak fluent Spanish. The moment I realized my frustration I started praying,"God, please help me to be able to communicate with just one child at the next church and help me to not get frustrated."It didn't take long for the Lord to answer my prayer because at the next church, He helped me to be able to connect with a three year old little girl named Mahka. God showed me that you can communicate through actions and facial expressions. At first, I wasn't sure if it was working or not, but then Mahka came over to my side and stretched her arms up, I knew that no matter what language you speak, that means "Pick me up." It was a moment I'll cherish. Mahka and I couldn't understand each other verbally, but through pointing, facial expressions, my almost non-existent Spanish, and most of all, the Lord's hand at work, we connected.I praise God for the learning experience I had today and am looking forward to seeing what else He has in store for this trip!- Krista