Something Special || Amanda - July 7

Something special.It was our first day visiting with the elderly in the villages around Hatag. I don’t think any of us were emotionally prepared for what we were about to encounter. The amount of love these strangers had for us was overwhelming. The blessings that they gave over us was too numerous to count. We came to love on them and the love that was passed out was was tenfold. Our first visit was the most memorable for me. This sweet woman lived in a small one room house. She had cataracts in both eyes and her gait was unsteady but she insisted on walking us to the gate goodbye.After lunch we had day two of the children program with the Goggins. Knowing that we only spent a few hours with the kids it was amazing to see how much they absorbed, they were so hungry for the gospel.- Amanda11695554_803885549719733_8832976221855088851_nIMG_3711IMG_3714IMG_9066IMG_9081IMG_3717IMG_3719


Hurricane Drew || Drew - July 8


Week 3, Day 1|| Deanna – July 5