Innocent Curiosity || Lydia - July 16
Saying goodbye to the children at Carapungo is the hardest thing I've done yet in Ecuador. After only three afternoons, I've bonded with these kids. Their smiles, innocent curiosity, laughter, and hugs are memories I want to keep in my heart forever.There's nothing quite like walking in a room and seeing a child's face beam as they say your name with out-stretched arms. I got to hold 6-year-old Diana during the skit and when the dragon appeared, she could not get any closer to me! It was so sweet, but towards the end, I was praying for strength that God would hold up my arms. I did not want to let her go!After the church workers fed us Ecuadorian corn, they expressed their thankfulness for us being here. With teary eyes they told us they were especially blessed by the unconditional love the team was showing these kids. I was encouraged by those words, and they will stay with me as we plow through these next two weeks. By God's grace and for His glory!- Lydia E