Romania – June 17 || Rachel

Day Two - Deva, Romania. We woke up to a cloudy, drizzly day, but there was no way that was going to stop us! Rain has to stop sometime, right??? And even if it doesn't, that's why we have raincoats. (Which is still in the trunk of my car. In Georgia. Whoops! Oh well! I don't think I'll melt!!!)This year I am on the game team, which I will admit almost scared me. How in the world am I supposed to keep 100+ kids contained and occupied while balls are flying everywhere?!?!? Thankfully my fears were all calmed as it's actually only 15-30 kids I have to contain, and with the larger groups there was always help.  And I found that I really actually like the game team!Today's lesson was on Forgiveness. I must say that this lesson is important in a Christian's life, and is perfectly illustrated by God's forgiveness in the way that He forgives me every single day with my many mistakes and mess ups. Holding onto hurts from other people creates bitterness, which isn't good for me or those around me. The game that my team used today was Extreeeeeme Hot Potato to show the importance of getting rid of bitterness in our lives. (It was super fun, especially when two balls started going at the same time!!!)I'm looking forward to seeing what God is going to do during the next couple weeks. I have confidence that He will show himself in great and mighty ways that we could never imagine. Thank y'all for praying for us. Please keep praying as we can feel the prayers and we GREATLY appreciate them!!! Noapte bună!!!Rachel Photo Jun 17, 6 37 12 AM Photo Jun 17, 6 35 59 AM Photo Jun 17, 4 20 23 AM Photo Jun 17, 5 20 40 AM Photo Jun 17, 2 43 10 AM


Romania – June 19 || Karen


Romania - June 16 || Plot Twists