Reflections on a Missions Trip

HeaderBy Michael Wall, 2013 Romania team memberAs I think back on the trip to Romania with Global Encounters and the things I learned, there are many things I could say. It really was a great trip. Things went pretty smoothly. There was good chemistry among the team members. We didn't have any major crises, and we had fun.So, it was easy, fun, and everyone should go, right? Is that what I'm saying? No!  Even though the trip to Romania had these elements, it was actually a very hard trip for me in several ways, while also being very rewarding and a blessing.  I learned much about myself and my God. Please let me share with you a little about what God taught me.06.20 game teamMy first lesson was if God calls me to do something, He will provide everything I need to accomplish what He has called me to do. He has taken the responsibility upon Himself and all I have to do is follow.  God showed this to me in many ways on the trip but probably the biggest way was after I returned home.  Here's how:  I was asked to join the team about 4-5 weeks before they were scheduled to leave.  Where was I going to get the money? I didn't know, but, I believed God wanted me to go, so I said yes.  I was only able to raise about a quarter of the cost before I left. Since this was God's plan, not mine, I kept trusting. A month or more after returning, I gave a presentation at church and God laid it on the heart of two people to give the difference of what I had paid out of my pocket. God provided, but in His time and His way!The second lesson God showed me was that what I think my best can be is not the same as what my best is when I open myself to let God work through me. Going to Romania was a big step outside my comfort zone, and honestly I didn't really want to go.  I knew I would have to do things that were not easy or comfortable for me – teaching lessons, leading Bible study time, making new friends. Those are all things that are hard for me, but God wanted me there, and so I kept trusting. Sometimes I had a real problem with my attitude about these things, but as I trusted God, He showed me His faithfulness, and used me in ways I didn't think were possible. PTL06.20 gypsy 2Lastly, God taught me to love the people He called me to minister to. This is a hard story to tell because I'm embarrassed and feel ashamed of my behavior, but God worked a very big change in my heart because of it. It was our first weekend and we were on a sight-seeing trip. As we stopped for supper at a restaurant and were sitting at a picnic table outside, a young boy came up begging for food/money. (This was through translation.) We turned him away, but as we did, I could sense the Holy Spirit prompting me to give him something. I had food in front of me, and money in my pocket, but I was afraid. Did he really need it?  How would he use it?  What will the others think of me?  I let him go.  I didn't listen to the Holy Spirit's prompting. The boy started going through the trash and scrounging for scraps.  The Lord brought Matthew 25:35-40 to my mind – “‘For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me… And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Still, I didn't respond. I was too embarrassed and afraid. As we drove away later, I felt awful. I knew I had sinned and I had to repent of that. Until that night I had not really had a heart of love or care for the people I was ministering to; but God took this awful situation and put into me a heart of love that changed the rest of the trip for me.07.4 camp groupGod taught me many more things but these are some that really stand out to me and were impactful.  As I said at the beginning, it was a great trip.  But for me, it was not because things seemed to go smoothly; it was because of the work God did in me and the things He taught me about Himself.I don't know what God is doing in your life or how He may be leading you; but I would encourage you not to let fear keep you from following His leading.Michael-WallMichael Wall lives in South Carolina where he is the manager of a Chick-Fil-A. He is the second of five children and grew up in North Carolina where his dad is a pastor and his mom home schooled himself and all of his siblings. Michael loves to sing, and hopes to be an author someday and own a coffee shop. Michael will be joining the Romania team again this year!


April 12 - Elizabeth C


April 10 - Ashlyn