April 10 - Ashlyn

Engaged in BattleWe are now working at a 3-day summer camp at a boarding house in a little town called Kalaw. Upon arriving at the little compound yesterday morning, I could immediately feel the oppressive weight of spiritual darkness. Traveling from all over the state, children from ten different districts and many villages within those districts have come to this camp. Because the only religion allowed here by the government for many years was Buddhism, a lot of the people claim the title "Buddhist" but actually practice animism, which is spirit worship. There are missionaries in some of the villages, so many of the children here have had some exposure to Christ; but the people of this region are still bound by spiritual darkness and held captive by fear and the dominion of the ruler of this world.Last night, for a large portion of the night, team members did not sleep well; awake many hours of the night praying. As we prayed, we felt the battle. The fight of Spiritual warfare.Sickness, discouragement, weakness, lack of sleep, the weight of oppression…these are just some of the ways that team members are feeling the presence of the spiritual battle. Last night and this morning, I felt overwhelmed by a sense of discouragement and wondering what impact we are even having, what is the value or the purpose in us being here. I know that was the attack of the enemy, especially as one of the first ways that Satan attacks is through feelings of discouragement. As I prayed and read the Bible, God removed the overwhelming feelings of discouragement and defeat and replaced them with an overwhelming sense of God's presence. Matthew 26:6-13 tells the story of the extravagant gift in the anointing of Jesus before His death and resurrection; exposing the past sin and shame of the woman who had been forgiven, and exposing the current sin of the disciples and their hearts of arrogance. Reading this passage this morning refreshed my soul, as I confessed to the Lord my own areas of arrogance in depending on my own strength and being discouraged when I felt like I was "failing" or "falling short" of what I think I should be able to do, convicting and inspiring me to give a gift of extravagant love and sacrifice to Jesus in all that I do today, and filling me with a sense of humble thankfulness to the Lord for His forgiveness and redemption in healing me and covering my shame; just like He did for that woman. There is nothing I can give that is too much, too extravagant, or too full of love for Jesus. He is worthy of sacrifice, of praise, of the worship of giving my all for Him today; to be used for His Kingdom and His glory.My heart has been burdened for the last several hours for the team, for strength and endurance for all of us as we teach and love and give today. Sitting down for a few quiet moments before starting the kids program, I prayed. Words that were not my own came from my heart, thanking the Lord that He is the "fullness of him who fills all in all", and He is more than enough for what we need for today. Asking Him to fill each of us to overflowing with Himself today, I felt Him flood my heart with a knowledge of Him and His presence, and joy in the truth that He is our strength and song.Partner with us in praying that every principality and power and dominion of darkness will be torn down by the truth of the Gospel, and that God would strengthen us to live out HIM today.Ashlyn20131008_AO_52636 20131011_AO_54205


Reflections on a Missions Trip


April 7 - Ashlyn