April 17 - Atalie

It's days like this when I wonder where to begin writing.  It's not like a walk in the park where I just state what happened because, quite honestly, I don't think I really understood what happened, just that the Spirit moved.Today we finished our final round of teaching rotations for South Asia 2014.  I'm not ready for it to end.  I don't think any of us are.  In many ways, it feels like just the beginning.  I believe it is.  But for us, in this moment, it is the end: a fate sealed within the packed team bags.At least that is what we thought.Thankfully, God had one last surprise up His sleeve.  We were invited to stay for the last evening camp program.  As it wound down, the leaders passed out candles and asked us to pray for the kids.  I think they meant one of us should pray a general blessing over all the kids, but Tim suggested that we move among the kids and lay hands on them.  It wasn't on the plan, but it was definitely on God's.We lit the candles and started praying for every life in that room, moving hands from shoulder to shoulder until some of them began trembling.  Then we stopped and just held them for a while.  Each prayer was different, but talking with the team afterwards revealed common threads in our petitions.  We prayed that these kids would find their identity in Christ alone, that they would allow the Holy Spirit to manifest Himself in their lives, and that they would become forces for the kingdom in this country.  Some of us felt led to pray specifically for physical protection over certain children.  We prayed also that this night would defy becoming a blip in their lives, but rather, that it would become a roadblock, so that they would have to choose which direction to pursue: would it be God or the world?  No more walking the middle line.We prayed as the leaders sang through song after song.We prayed in an upper room filled with fire and the power of the Spirit.We prayed until our candles were stubs in our hands......and beyond.Then Jesse, through the leading of the Spirit, presented the Gospel message once more.When it was all over one of our translators mentioned he wished God had made time stand still.I wish I had pictures from the night to freeze it in time, but I was so fully engaged that the thought didn't cross my mind.  You will just have to imagine a room of flickering light falling on sincere faces.  And if you feel so inclined, add a battalion of angels to the mix.  I know God's forces were there.If I had to pick just one thing that I'm taking away from this trip, it would be this: follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.  He is waiting ever so expectantly to rock our expectations, but He rarely forces anything on us.  We have to be open.  And to be open we have to be so connected with the Spirit that we sense when He's moving.  By the grace of God may this be our aspiration.Atalie1614172_10152626986919881_1370583273422133008_o 1614172_10152626986914881_2693724100574953621_o 10246652_10152629341699881_1796209370003445938_n


April 18 - David


April 11 - Tim