Sunday Worship || Day 2 - Rachel

We had the joy of worshiping with the believers at church today! I would say that this is one of the things I look forward to the most on my trips to Central America.We learned that due to the fact we are here to learn Spanish, the sermons will not even be translated for us. :-) I was excited at this news, but was wondering how much I would understand.As we listened to the sermons, sang hymns, read God's word, etc. I was surprised and pleased to realize I was understanding more than I thought I would. I was thankful to get a good grasp on both of the sermons!The second one was especially challenging to me. The pastor was exhorting us to be faithful in the little things. He kept coming back to Revelation 2:10 and the specific phrase, "Sé fiel haste la muerte, y yo te daré la corona de la vida." (be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.)Are we faithful to be spending time with God in prayer and His word? Are we faithful to follow Christ when no one is watching? Are we faithful to serve in areas that are never noticed by others?We were all challenged by this and I pray you will be too. May it be said of all of us that we were faithful unto death!Bendiciones!~RachelShowing the team around town


Day 3 || Cultural Tidal Wave - Michaela


Of Snow Storms and Missed Connections || Day 1 – Richard