Spanish mistakes and Good Stewards | Day 16 - Rachel
Amusing mistake -- On Friday as we headed to the orphanage, the Combi (public transportation) was mostly filled with our team. After a little bit a couple of Mexican guys joined us. Michaela and I started chatting with the one sitting next to us. At one point, I thought he asked where we were going so I told him we were headed to the orphanage and we would be there for a few hours. He didn't seem to fully catch what I was saying, so I figured I must have said a few words funny. Oh well.
As a sat there thinking about what he had said, I realized that he might have asked us where we were from. :-O I then realized that if that was the case, he probably thought it very strange that our answer to him was an orphanage! So I leaned over and asked if he had asked us where we were from, or where we were going. Yep, he had asked, "de donde vienes?" (where do you come from). And, I had told him we all came from an orphanage! Haha. I laughed, apologized, and answered his question correctly. :-D We had a good laugh.
Thankful for funny mistakes like this which help me to learn phrases! :-)
I'm thankful for a relaxing day today to meet with the believers at church. I sure love meeting with the body of Christ, and look forward to every opportunity we have to gather. I'm thankful that God's word is being preached faithfully by the pastors here. I'm thankful for the opportunity to talk with the believers here and help expand our language skills. I'm thankful for hot showers, afternoons studying in the park, opportunities to chat with random people in the park, a wonderful Spanish teacher, lots of laughter, a guitar to play, team devos and singing, y mucho mas. :-)
In tonight's sermon, Pastor Carlos was challenging us in several areas, one of which, from 1 Corinthians 4:1-2, was on being faithful in the little things. Are we faithful stewards of what God has given us? I want to be faithful with the time he has given me here in Mexico to learn Spanish. I want to learn Spanish well, for God's glory, for the furthering of the gospel.
Would you pray for me, for each of us on the team, that we will make the best use of our time for God's glory? That we will diligently study our verbs and their conjugations, adjectives, Spanish grammar, etc?
Loving the time God has given me in Mexico.
Thank you all for your prayers!Bendiciones!