Day 17 - Michaela

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". -Edmund Burke

Our team saw this first hand when we walked up to a Catholic church called Guadalupe. It is a beautiful church up on a hill where you can see much of the city in the view. I thought it was beautiful… until I went inside. Walking in, we saw on on both sides paintings and statues of Christ writhing in agony on the cross and even a coffin with Jesus in it. Quietly continuing, we came to the front where there were several statues of saints displayed including Christ.Yet, over them all rose a painting of Mary preeminent over all. Also in a dark, small, smoky room a couple attempted to light handful of candles even putting their hand in the flame. The candles represented the prayers made to idols in the room.
As we left, my heart was heavy thinking about these people who have no hope. Their gods are stone. Even Jesus is shown in a coffin instead of victoriously alive from the grave. I began to wonder how most of central and south America put their hope in these beliefs. It is because hundreds of years ago men and women who knew the truth kept it to themselves, while others of different beliefs were active. Guadalupe was a stern reminder to me to share God's truth wherever I go, because it does make a difference.
RachelRichardMichaelaLydiaJohn20140217_GEspanishLT_0006LydiaRachel and her buddies she was sharing the gospel with at the parkMoniqueDinner team20140217_GEspanishLT_0011Liz consolation foodLocal home made (by us) jamaica tea20140217_GEspanishLT_0014

It's so nice to be in an atmosphere of fellow believers || Day 18 - Aria


Spanish mistakes and Good Stewards | Day 16 - Rachel