Parks and Pizzas || Day 20 - Lydia

Today was another day filled with spanish classes and adventures. It started withclasses as normal, and then we went to a park to play volleyball with youthfrom the church. It was nice to be able to get out and it was good spanishpractice to be able to fellowship with other christian young people. After arousing game of volleyball, some cookies, and jamica, we ended up going totown with a few young people that actually were not associated with the church.It ended up being our teacher's daughter and some of her friends.They wanted to show us where they went to school and we ended up being able toshare the gospel with one of the professors while all of our new friendslistened in. Afterwards we took them out to pizza, we talked around the tablefor a while and then we decided to have devotions right there at therestaurant. Richard gave the devotion while Monique translated for the sake ofour Mexican friends. We were able to share the gospel again very clearlybefore we went our separate ways. It has been a privilege to be able to sharethe good news with people in their own language. The seed has been planted. Wecan plant and we can water but God gives the increase. 20140220_GEspanishLT_0001 20140220_GEspanishLT_0002 20140220_GEspanishLT_0003 20140220_GEspanishLT_0004 20140220_GEspanishLT_0005 20140220_GEspanishLT_0006 20140220_GEspanishLT_0007 20140220_GEspanishLT_0008Part of the VB groupIt was an honor to proclaim the gospel to these new friends. 20140220_GEspanishLT_0011Trying out Monique's glassesTrying out Monique's glassesTrying out Monique's glasses 


The Least Of These || Day 21 - John


For Such A Time As This || Day 19 - Monique