Triumphant Thursday!

Today was quite a day!!! I woke up to some of the other girls saying “ahhh I need to wash this soap off”. It wasn’t abnormal to have the water turned off at random times through-out the day. But it was a little different this time,  most times it comes back on pretty soon... but there was absolutely no water. Turns out the whole town was out of electricity almost all morning! So we ate breakfast without lights, thankfully the dining hall has plenty of windows!! We hoped the water would turn back on by the time breakfast was over because we had planned to play water games this morning with the kids… but due to the water NOT coming on. We had to be flexible and instead we did the rotation classes that we normally have been doing in the afternoon. Having to make this change stretched everyone to the max. The teams had pull together getting the preparations ready like 6 hours earlier than expected. When this was all taking place I just had to stand back for a second and laugh. It seemed like everything was going wrong. The entire photography team didn’t know what to do, because all the computers that were needed were completely out of battery. God reminded me as I was trying to help come up with “plan B” that He was in control. He knew this was going to happen. So I asked him that we would all respond in the correct way. Going with the flow… We all pulled together and we really did see God work! Praise God for His perfect plan that we don’t understand! Today we were triumphant in Christ!!!!Media Project (1 of 1)-6BekahPartner with us in prayer: Tomorrow is our last day of ministry. Pray that we will finish strong!


[07.26 - Friday] Sunrise Hike & Jungle Hospitality


[07.25 - Thursday] Full Day in Ch'ol