[07.25 - Thursday] Full Day in Ch'ol
Tortugero Primero (Ch'ol Jungle)What a blessing to start our second jungle trip with large crowds at the clinic and at the children’s program. 100 patients were caringly attended to at the clinic. Medical staff did an amazing job as always at serving these people.The kids were the most energetic children that we have had on the whole trip. They were so excited to sing, play games, and hear the stories that we had to tell. One cool thing about the kids program was the fact that we had many moms and older sisters standing in the back of the room taking part in the crafts and listing to the stories. The fathers and older brothers looked through windows and doors to see the fun filled room.We were also able to install three stoves. The only thing that tested our strength and endurance was haul the three stoves over hundred and fifty yards to the houses that would be their new homes. Just in case no one has taken the time to explain to you what these stoves are like I will. They are made out of concrete blocks that vary in size. There are also the long chimney pipes. At least two buckets gravel are need as a heat buffer, and to top is all off there is a small box filled with clay bricks used in the combustion chamber. The team worked hard and did a great job!One thing that has really started to stand out to me is the people’s ability to be so content and joyful about their lives. The conditions they live in are so normal to them that anything more grand would be weird to them. It is so humbling to look at their lives and compare it to what I live with in the States. Instead of worrying about getting their kids to soccer games or going to the grocery store, they labor at growing and raising the large majority of their daily substance. We often forget what kind of blessing it is to live in America.A big thank you for your prayers and love. I for one feel to blessed to have such family and friends that have been supporting me through love and prayers. Please continue to lift us up before the Lord. We are not done yet and God is not bored yet of hearing your prayers for our team.- KatherineEditor's note: Amy was sick today so credit for the following pictures go to Tim Forman and Daisy Klassy. Thanks guys!