[Memories of Monday]

Woke up this morning to the usual in La Perla Verde Hotel: instant coffee, scrambled eggs and mystery juice. Yumm… However the excitement of being back in Esmeraldas could cover any hotel food. This morning we went to Bethel School.IMG_2071The kids enjoyed the story of Christian on his trek to the cross where he looses his burden.For devotions all 33 of us squeezed into Elizabeth’s room with no air conditioning, but a great message from Daniel. We have been studying Paul’s letter to the Galatian’s. God really spoke to us about how our view of God dictates how we treat others. After some warm fellowship we decided to go get some long a waited ice cream. The vendor must have been overwhelmed/joyed when 23 American’s showed up at his stand eager for coconut ice cream. As the afternoon went on the different teams prepared while others took naps. This evening we met at the school to train the local Ecuadorian teachers that would work along side of us in the children’s program from Wednesday to Friday. As Elizabeth and Daniel talked to them about this year’s curriculum on God’s promises and how to engage the kids, the rest of the team went and prayed for the up coming week. We finished the day off with the best home cooked meal from some of the ladies at the church. We are so excited to see what God is going to do in the people of this city. Please pray that we would rely totally on the Lord and His power to communicate His message of salvation to these kids.IMG_2080 IMG_2095 IMG_2092


"Will this work?!"


How do you say goodbye?