07.22 Sunday - The day the Lord made

Maria Morelos & PactiunAs I sit here in my hammock playing today's events over in my head I can't help but reflect on Psalm 118:24. "This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it." What a privilege it is to be in the jungles of Mexico rejoicing in each day Jesus gives us to love on the people here and share the reason for the joy and hope we have in Him alone.Today, as per usual, we began our rejoicing with some trepidation as our now 'good' friends, the roosters, remained faithful in providing us with an alarm clock. After a hearty breakfast we attended church with our hosts. Although we understood very little of the service [most of which was spoken in Ch'ol], they were very welcoming.  Our next stop was the small village of Pactiun.  Here we held a health clinic, installed water filters, and put on a dramatization for the kids about the love of Christ.  I'm assuming this village doesn't see very many gringos because we quickly drew a crowd. We were so happy to have a good number of adults join us for our dramatization as well. I'm so very grateful for all the smiles and laughter this day brought to both our team and all the many people we were able to share the day with. This evening we ended our day with music, dancing, playing games, and singing praises to our God with our host family. As I looked around the room I was overwhelmed by the joy of the Lord I saw on the faces of every person present. "We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." 2 Cor. 4:7For His glory,Aubrey


07.24 Tuesday - Leaving the jungle


07.21 Saturday - Maria Morelos: first jungle stop