Sunday 4.1.12

Elizabeth: It's going to be hard to say goodby to Colombia, our friends here, and the team. Our morning flight back to the US is approaching way too quickly. Hmmm... maybe I should get some sleep before then.41boysBrandon: Last night with the team.... So sad. :-( its been so amazing.Greg: Has to leave Colombia tomorrow. Sad but happy. I will miss my friends here very much, but I'm glad to be coming home to family. :-( :-)41gregElizabeth: Adventures in Colombia today! We had a great time wrapping things up with the kids at the orphanage, loaded up in the bus, got about 10 minutes down the road, and the timing belt broke. So, we are grateful for translators who know their way around the public trans of Colombia. Multiple buses later we are back in Bogota getting in some last minute shopping.Ashlyn: At the orphanage posing with two of my photography students; while my other student practices the new concepts she learned while using us as subjects:) Fun times!41ashlynKristi: Can I just say how much I don't want to leave this place... my team, all that Jesus has been doing?Benjamin: Daniel and Jesus, two very kind hearted boys --41benjaminElizabeth: Sarah Matchak, thanks for providing the beach pictures for this craft. It was a great way to illustrate how much God loves these kids. He thinks more thoughts about them than there is sand on all the beaches in the world.41kristiBrandon: Another adorable classroom --41classroomCampfire and s'mores with the kids last night. They'd never had s'mores before.41danielc41dickson-brothers41craft41storytelling41christina41teaching


Monday 4.2.12


Saturday 3.31.12