Saturday 3.31.12

Ashlyn: So love it here! Overwhelmed by the Lord's grace, peace, and love...and absolutely love staying at an orphanage with adorable children and being able to share with them God's incredible plan of Redemption... Multiple times, in multiple ways. My heart is full :-)Daniel D: I've decided I'm adopting all of the kids in this orphanage.331kidsBenjamin: I'm adopting her...331benjaminBrandon: My heart has been stolen by the kids in this orphanage. Things are going fantastic here. Pray that this afternoon goes well because we are going to teach them about being adopted by God, and the Love of God.Daniel C.: Jesus said, "let the little children come into me." Last full day the orphanage... so much to tell

Candid camera moment


The kids colored t-shirts to go along with the concept that we are clothed in Christ's righteousness.The orphanage kids' program is in full swing!


Sunday 4.1.12


Friday 3.30.12