Travel Day
Finally!! Our long-awaited trip to Chiapas has begun. All the agonizing about what to bring, all the packing, all the main questions asked, and all the goodbyes are said and done! I can hardly believe I am really going to be "there" tonight.I could see the Lord work in every aspect of my prep for this trip, and by relying on Him to provide the needed funds and supplies, I have been strengthened in my faith and also overwhelmed by the generosity and love of His people. God brought me this trip out of the blue, but I have always felt the call to take my future nursing degree to the mission field. This chance to observe and serve in a medical field clinic is a direct answer to prayer. I am so excited to see how God is planning to grow, teach, stretch, and strengthen all of us during these three weeks. He has been so good to us in this process, and we have arrived in San Cristobal de las Casas safe and sound.Thank you for all your prayers for our travels, there was no long lines, no delayed or canceled flights, and no baggage lost. The only delay we had was coming through the last stage of the immigration line in Tuxtla, where our last flight landed. The Mexican security detail there has a machine, with a red button on it, right before exiting the baggage claim area, and everyone in line has to push the button as they go by. If the attached screen flashes green then you can go right through. If it turns red, you have to open ALL your luggage and bags for inspection. Mine flashed red. Of course. But I had no plastic bombs or dangerous weapons, so I was allowed to leave. :)Nathan Terrell and his lovely wife Julie picked us up and we then started the drive to San Cristobal, our final destination for now. We got acquainted as we drove up the mountain, dodging slow cars and bikers. There were a few security checkpoints where Mexican police were searching some cars, but we were not stopped. As we drove higher and higher the lights of Tuxtla spread out below us, pin pricks in the night.We arrived at the Terrell's home around 11:00 p.m. where we were met by two of our team leaders, Steven and Grace, and also by a blast of cool air! San Cristobal is a little over 7,000 feet elevation, and the air here feels wonderfully cool and mountainous. We are all thanking the Lord for a safe trip, and looking forward to tomorrow!Abbie Auslund