First Day in Chiapas
Sunday was our day to rest from our traveling and get acquainted with each other. After breakfast with the Terrells, Abbie Auslund, Ruth Fox, David Carnley, Stephen and Grace Curry, and I drove into town for church. A visiting missionary from Chihuahua spoke on the church's responsibility with missions. I believe that even those of us who are still learning Spanish were able to understand enough to get a blessing out of it, and it seemed fitting for our first church service there.After lunch we had a team meeting to plan and talk over our itinerary. Then, we packed and prepared for the coming week in the jungle. The girls helped Grace prepare food and then the guys helped us pack it into barrels. Hammocks, blankets, and medicines all had to be packed in addition to our own personal supplies. However, since we had all day to do this, it was a relaxing day to mentally and physically prepare for what I think will be a demanding next four days.Abby Rogers, for the medical team