[Sunday 6-19] Sunday in San Cristobal

Hey y’all,So today being Sunday we went to church. But instead of your traditional church building, Nathan took us to a small hut up on the hill behind his house. It was about a 20-minute hike up to the hut. Most of us managed to squeeze in under the thatched roof of the hut. Henry brought his guitar which he played along while the rest of us sang. Nathan and Chris gave a little message and being Father’s Day we all shared something that we appreciated about our fathers. After the service, we hiked back down to the Terrells’ house, cleaned up a little, then led by our fearless leaders Chris and Amy, the whole team headed out to The Gardens [a restaurant on the outskirts of town] for lunch. For anyone who reads this, lunch was amazing!After lunch we went back to the Terrells’ to drop Cloe (Nathan and Julie’s eldest daughter) off, then Brittany, Abby, Katie, Nicole, Henry, Stephen, and I (Seth) met up with Gabriella Ozuna (one of our translators) in the market to do a bit of shopping before we head out to the jungle again tomorrow. Chris, Amy, and Mandy went to the store to further stock up on supplies while the rest of us enjoyed another market experience. After a couple hours in the market we headed back “home” to pack up for the jungle. After packing, we went upstairs to have supper with the Terrell family. After devouring that meal the team cleaned up and headed back downstairs to our rooms, talked about the upcoming trip, did a little cooking, and then headed to bed. And…that’s all folks! Thanks for all the prayers!-Seth, for the team20110618-img_2498-chris1sancristobal-chris

San Cristobal de las Casas



Mandy and Gabi (Terrell)


[Monday 6-20] On The Road Again
