A Wonderful Kind of Busyness
Well, we have finished the second day of the children's program. We have around 120-135 children each day, and 22-28 per classroom. It is very busy, but a wonderful kind of busyness. It is lovely in Romania, and the kids are really a joy to work with. It is very much different to teach children who do not speak Spanish!Three of us told testimonies/illustrations to the youth group tonight, and it went very well. We are getting to know our translators and different people in the church. The entire team has been going to a different household in the church every night to have dinner, and it is so much fun!! We sing, eat Romanian pastries (well, maybe not me, but I can smell them!), and learn new Romanian words.The jet-lag is slowly wearing off for me and Lizzy. But we all have to concentrate in church in order to pay attention to a language that we do not understand! :) I am learning so much by just watching these people and their deep level of love, faith, and reliance on God. I know that I will leave here with lifelong friends, and a deeper faith.Pace, pace!For the team, Kaytra(These are a few pictures from yesterday and some from today.)