Today is Friday. It's been a long, short week, what with sickies recovering and inadvertantly missing a couple days of school. But, altogether, it's been a blast and a half. Lots of laughs, despite various circumstances.This afternoon, we were able to go again to the orphanage in Teopisca. However, getting there was a different story...On the way, in a combi bus, we gingerly approached a long stretch of silent cars held up by a very untimely barracade in the road, hosted by the Chiapas very own long-time zapatista band. (Once we took a good look, however, there were only about 4 to 6 people actually manning the operation.) And, being the naive gringos that we are, we hopped right out of our bus, payed the guy, and marched right thru the middle of it all - only to hop in another bus on the other side to carry on with the trip. (God is good to us, eh?)It was so much fun to be able to see the same kids as last week and to connect with them again on a kid level (yes, a kid level). Once there, one of the little girls (probably about 8 years old) has been patiently helping me with my Spanish. She'll motion with her hands, and say things twice. And that, was just plain fun. Something about kids just doesn't make you feel dumb at all. They probably think it's funny anyway. :]While there, we held something of a program, including a craft, a game and a skit. And as usual, we had ubers of fun. With the help of translators Rachel and Elizabeth, we were able to pull it all off. (They're amazing, btw, and getting better by the day.)This afternoon, while being as kiddish as she knew how to be -jumping on the trampoline- Rachel actually twisted her ankle and is not completely up to snuff as far as getting around goes. We may end up taking a day trip tomorrow without her entertaining company...bummer. But, we have high hopes of her being back to norm really soon. If you're praying for us, here's something specific. And thanks.God bless this weekend, here, and there too.~Mandy, for the team