Word for the Day
Jan 31, 2011Word of the day in the beginner class: archirrequeterrecontrarrica (meaning Very Delicious).A good one to try rolling your r's maybe?Today was a great day - we've practiced vocab, learned conjugations and enunciations, and looked at each other with really funny faces at various times in the day...usually followed by an outburst of laughter.Last night we were able to hit the town and experience some evening time culture in the Chiapas. There were lights, little kids, European tourists, booths, and cool looking doors, and people, everywhere. All clad with expansive splashes of color everywhere you turn. I think we all enjoyed being together and learning a little bit more about...everything.We've got r's rolling, n's ñ-ing, and it's going good. Please pray that we will learn enough to be able to communicate God's word to these people - especially the little kiddos that will have eyes clamped on story-telling tellers. Script and tongue-twisters are currently underway.Mandy, for the team