Climbing out windows and spiritual warfare

"Having devos on top of a mountain in South Africa. Pretty cool!" - Elizabeth"In the freezing cold this morning, we managed to break the key in the door and lock ourselves in our hut. We had to jump out the window..... hahaha... ended up unscrewing the door handle to get out." -Laura"Arriving in Ningeza to do a kids program here" - Elizabeth"Walked around the village and collected a group of kids. Teaching them now about self-control. Pray for energy for the team. We're all getting pretty tired." -Elizabeth"Eat or sleep... Such a hard choice right now." -Brandon"Just finished the kid's program in Ningeza. Got completely knocked off my feet by a mob of the cute little things. The team did a great job this afternoon." -Elizabeth"Walking througth the village praying. Spiritual warfare is going on right now." - Brandon"Just had an incredible prayer walk through the Mavhusa village." -Laura"This place really has no Hope at all. It makes me incredibly grateful for the hope I have in Jesus." -Brandon


Uncertainty in the Jungle [thursday]


Refugee camp