Two Villages, One Purpose
Upon waking to the sounds of roosters crowing, children up and running, and the trucks roaring by on the street, we began the day! Grabbing our Bibles we sat on the outskirts of the village of Llano Grande admiring the beautiful mountains thinking upon the words of Job 37:14, “Stand still and consider the wonderful works of God.” Thus began our first full day in the first of multiple villages in the jungle.
After cooking breakfast, we had team devotions on the need to dedicate our works unto the Lord, knowing then that our thoughts and path shall be established by Him such as found in Proverbs 16:3, “Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established.” We then set out for the village square to gather the young people through a soccer game. After gathering a crowd we began to teach on the character quality of joyfulness and demonstrated this through the Andy's Very Bad Day skit. Though life may be difficult, our hope comes from the Lord and we should in all circumstances “count it all joy” as James tells us. The team then finishing up with personal teaching and interaction with the group, then gathered at the mud hut we have been blessed with to cook lunch.Packing up and preparing to move to the next village, myself and Hannah prepared two water filters setups for installation, gathering along with the filters reading material to give to the family for Bible study. Then walking from one house to the next, Hannah and I cleaned and installed the filters as Nathan spoke and ministered to the families.
Moving to the next village, Coapilla, we gained access to the town square and began gathering children and adults to teach on the character quality of dependability. We were blessed greatly in being able to teach and work with the people of this village. We even had the local Federalies gathering to watch and listen to what we were teaching! I was able to join in on basketball game after the teaching and then able to speak to the men afterwards in limited Spanish and a little English of the reasons for our group coming and our desire to serve and teach of the Lord. It was a great blessing!We then ended the day gathering with some of people of Llano Grande sharing of the amazing experiences of the day and singing with them into the night. What a great blessing to praise the Lord with Christians in another part of the world. Though separated by different parts of the world we are joined by the common love of Christ. May He be praised!-David, for the teamEditor's note: they had so many good picture from today that I threw them into a slideshow. Enjoy!